Scholarships are available for youth team players who need assistance with paying for registration expenses.
Please submit the confidential application form at right to begin the scholarship process.
As the standard of proof for qualifying financial need, BYLC uses participation in the school Reduced or Free Student Lunch Program (at or below 130% federal poverty level). Proof of participation is required.
For families not participating in the School Lunch Program, but who are experiencing Special Financial Circumstances, applications for Scholarship assistance will be decided on a case-by-case basis by the BYLC Board of Officers, in closed session, at the applicant’s request.
Scholarship recipients are expected to participate in fundraising/volunteer activities. Additional documentation may be requested.
The BYLC Board of Directors understands that families with multiple children playing lacrosse, or special financial circumstances, may need to set up a payment plan. If needed, please use the email address below to contact the board to discuss these options: